
  home / childhood                
Theatre for children

Tam's research emerges from a long lasting experimentation in nursery schools.

Since 1992 Larent Dupont has been developing his own theatrical research inside the movement of D'Evieil Culturel looking at the world of children up to 3 years old.

The visual and sound language privileges elements which build the mutual property of the child during his/her vivid activity and of the actor/actress in his/her scenic game. Certain aspects of the use of the language are privileged: the sound, which accompanies and reinforces the gesture in its movements; the voice, as vital energy and fundamental element in the relationship with the mother; the materials, which evoke the every day universe of perceptions; the objects, which stimulate the interaction with the other and with the surrounding world; all the elements of the scenic language, which offer to the child the keys to open the door of listening and sharing the desired emotional experiences.

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