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Who Where

art director:
  Michele Sambin - michele.sambin@tin.it
  Pierangela Allegro - p.allegro@tin.it
  Cinzia Zanellato - cinzia@tamteatromusica.it
  Flavia Bussolotto - flavia_bussolotto@hotmail.com
contacts abroad:
  Laurent Dupont - lodupont@libertysurf.fr
Maddalene theater:
  Paolo Tizianel
coordination and logistics:
  Eugenia Agostini - eugenia@tamteatromusica.it
promotion and communication:
  Paola Valente - paola@tamteatromusica.it
special projects:
  Alessandro Martinello - alessandro.martinello@gmail.com
  Andrea Cravotta - andrea.cravotta@gmail.com

Tam Teatromusica
Via Fra P. Sarpi, 37/2
35138 Padova Italy
Tel. +39 049654669 - 049656692

How to reach Tam Teatromusica offices

Teatro delle Maddalene
via San Giovanni di Verdara, 4
35100 Padova Italy
Tel. +39 0498725423

How to reach Teatro delle Maddalene

For information: info@tamteatromusica.it

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