home / archivio
raccolta .1
1977  > 1986
raccolta .2
1987  > 1996
raccolta .3
1999  > 2009

Archivio Tam (Tam's archive) has been created in order to collect videos, photos, sketches, scores, texts coming from performances created by Tam Teatromusica from its beginning (1980) until more recent times.
About 70 works will be cataloged and gathered on DVDs. The collection will be completed by a CD which will house playbills, press articles and texts.

On these web pages is presented an abstract of the first three DVD collections (raccolta in Italian). The menu on the left allows the navigation through the material which is available online; click on desired collection in order to start. An english translation of every performance's synopsis (sinossi in Italian) is available. You will need Quicktime plugin to view videos.

If anyone is interested in the complete archive on DVDs may request it writing to p.allegro@tin.it

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