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De generazioni festival 05  

The fifth edition of the de generazioni festival will be included in the program
of the season 05/06 at The Maddalene Theatre, with many activities starting from
December, 8, 2005 up to december, 11, 2005.

The aim of this edition is to mix together heterogeneous cultures, different languages and different people and to realize the dream to see a multicultural world.

Guides of our journey in these different worlds will be the Ulisses of the prison of Due Palazzi in Padua, people who came from far countries to tell us their "odyssey".

We will meet the visionary creations by the Teatro Disumano; the stories of Andrea Pennacchi; the romeo e giulietta directed by Mirko Artuso; the balletto individuale in circstanze costrette (the individual ballet in restricted circumstances) of the youngest actors of the Stoa of Cesena.
Moreover, we will meet the pupils of the workshop Oikos neofiti telling the story of the Città invisibili by Calvino.


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