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Maddalene Theatre. From monastery to research  

centre of theatrical activities

Le Maddalene is an ancient monastery (1300) which has gone through several transformation in time.

Since 1995 Le Maddalene has been home for Tam Teatromusica's researches, training, productions, and workshops. All year round this place holds the language experimentation carried on by the artistic ensemble and revealed it through scenic events, performances, videos, and gigs.

From Autumn to Spring Tam Maddalene Theatre opens up to the town with theatre-music-dance festivals, by meeting the actors, writers, and poets and with Oikos – workshop of scenic arts dedicated to the youngsters. The open activity proceeds during the Spring or the Autumn with the De Generazioni festival.

If you would like to know more about the history and the transformations of the monastery there is a book called Le Maddalene. Il monastero padovano della costituzione del Beato da Pisa, by Elisabetta Pagello, Officina (1998).

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