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Più del la vita (more than life)  

More than life is a dream, a trip enlivened by illusions, a fresco of images generated by words. These words are sounds which become music, which evoke scenes of a past which always remains present.

This is what represents the letter to Alvarotto from Ruzzante for me. A text I feel very in tune with. I share its meaning: a vivacious hymn to life yet crossed by melancholy. I share its unreal atmosphere, closer to a dream than to the
everyday reality.

I share its structure which advances through images and metaphors more than through description. I share its prose which is old fashion and refined at the same time as a transcript of words to be played.

More than life is the synthesis of a thirty-year experience. I started off as an artist and ended up as a performer.

By solely working on the relationship between image and sound I discovered performing is my ideal way of expressing myself.


00.01.23 - QuickTime

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