home / proposals / deForma_09

conception and direction michele sambin
performers-musicians pierangela allegro, alessandro martinello,
alen sinkauz, nenad sinkauz
sounds michele sambin, kole laca
digital painting michele sambin

Forma (italian word for shape) is the boundary that allows to define any object, idea, concept, feeling. To deform means to modify the shape, to give a different meaning to reality.
On stage an aerial structure is deformed and transformed by the performers-musician bodies. Their movements meet into the center of the stage, where it is possible to be heard. Even bodies, under tension, are transformed inside the action/reaction spacetime.
This center is anticipated by a loop-statement made by the author, who dubs himself on stage together with an "himself" of some years ago. Later on a light trace surrounds the bodies and leaves them with no substance, no flesh, no thickness. An absolute boundary, a bidimensional perimeter. The artist, with his light-brush, removes mater and life, and transforms bodies into iconical images.

The dedication. The first version of deForma was dedicated to Teresa Rampazzi. This second movement is for Maurucio Kagel, who inspired much of our work.
