1993 the need of experimenting new collaborations has
been leading the company to endorse both national and
international co-productions and to put together a network
with European organisations and Festivals.
The monograph of Tam Teatromusica was published in
1991. (Ravenna, Ed. Essegi, 1991). It talks about Tam's
artistic history through its most important pieces of
work between 1980 and 1991.
Tam has been present among the most prestigious theatrical
events: i.e. in Bourges, at Le Printemps Festival; in
Vienna at the Wiener Festwochen; in Hanover at Klang
& Korper; in Paris at Festival d'Autonme; at numerous
editions of Festival di Santarcangelo; in Polverigi
at Micro Macro and at various festivals in Melbourne,
Lyon, Strasbourg, Jerusalem, Geneva, Zagreb, Budapest,
Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Adelaide, Washington, Philadelphia,
Vancouver, Montreal, Tunis, Bremen, Berlin and Oldenburg. |